Functional PostScript Examples
This program draw various arcs and their bounding boxes.
It demonstrates the use of the arc and bounding-box procedures.
[PostScript Output]
(define arc-bounding-box (with-attrib ((:line-width 0.01) (:color (rgb 1 1 1))) (let* ((square (stroke (rect (pt 0 0) 1 1))) (circle (stroke (arc (pt 1/2 1/2) 1/2 0 2pi))) (fill-c (rgb 0 0 1)) (arc-c (rgb 1 1 0)) (draw-one (lambda (start end) (let* ((a (stroke (arc (pt 1/2 1/2) 1/2 start end) (:color arc-c) (:line-width 0.04)))) (compose (fill (bounding-box->rect (bounding-box a)) (:color fill-c)) circle square a)))) (draw-four (lambda (start) (let lp ((n 0)) (if (= n 4) the-empty-pict (compose (draw-one start (+ start (* n 1/2pi) 1/4pi)) (translate 0 1.5 (lp (+ n 1))))))))) (lambda () (compose (fill (rect (pt 0 0) (inch 8.5) (inch 11))) (translate 109 144 (scale 72 72 (let lp ((start 0)) (if (>= start 2pi) the-empty-pict (compose (draw-four start) (translate 1.5 0 (lp (+ start 1/2pi)))))))))))))
FPS Examples: Right-angle Fractal | Arrow Fractal | Headlines | Clipping Message | Turkey Bitmap | Sun | Bounding Box | Morphing Square to Circle | Text Along a Circle | Demo Driver