Functional PostScript Tutorial

Functional PostScript Tutorial


We have learned how to create basic paths and picture and how to render the pictures. We will spend the rest of the tutorial exploring the many different ways to manipulate paths and pictures. Try out the examples and call show or show-w/ps2-text-channel to render them.

You can scale, rotate, and move your paths and pictures.

	 (define translate-triangle-picture 
	    (translate 100 100 triangle-picture))
The effects of transforming a path v.s. that of transforming a picture can be very different, especially when you are scaling: when you scale up a path, only the shape is enlarged, but when you scale a picture, not only is the shape enlarged, the ink is also enlarged, causing the lines will also become much thicker (think of what happens when you view a thin line through a magnifying glass).

Related procedures in this section:
rotate, scale, translate

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FPS Tutorial Content: Intro and The Idea | Getting Started | Paths and Pictures | Show and Channels | Transformation | Composition | Glyphpaths | Style | Color | Colormap | Clipping | Glyphnames | Other Topics